pharmacy cardboard advert "pastille VALDA"
pharmacy cardboard advert "d?puratif RICHELET"
XIXth century "surgery" engraving
biology school board "insectes"
biology school board "mollusques (c?phalopodes)"
biology school board "spongiaires"
painted steel wheeling chair
apothecary scale in showcase
pewter feeding medicine spoon
large geographical map of Europe of 1923
enamel colours in box for dental prothesist
Veedee vibratory massage appliance
Leg Prothesis Named "Pilon"
anti-headlight glasses ?LE HIBOU?
Articulated Hand Prothesis, Wood and Metal
dentist lamp - circa 1920
surgical table, untreated steel and chrome tubes
pharmacy tin box "Delpech pharmacien"
toothpaste powder tin jar "Opiat dentifrice de Guerlain"
2 covered pharmacy jar, porcelain with gold decoration
speculum of Recamier, boxwood
speculum of Recamier, tin and ebony
mahogany mural wash-hand basin, circa 1900
XIXth c. Stuffed Hedgehog
W & A.K. Johnston's series of anatomy charts, XIXth
binaural stethoscope, circa 1930
"dentist" plate out of painted porcelain
fully articulated hand prosthesis
car trunk containing 3 suitcases
crystal and brass ceiling light
adjustable sewing mannequin man
1930s Two Hospital Screens
caned siphon to "eau de Seltz"
desk lamp, glass miror reflector
World War II Gas Mask For Babies
Enameled rotating dentist's Girator
filing cabinet, ebonised wood
adjustable sewing mannequin man
1900's adjustable crutches
anatomy school board "urinary excretion"
anatomy school board "breathing"
anatomy school board "organs of digestion"
nineteenth century articulated medical skeleton
Six Painted Steel Medical Chairs, 1930-1940
Pasted-Paper Anatomical Head Cross-Section, c. 1900
armchair for otorhinolaryngology or ophthalmology
Combination knife for amputees "Le Tranchant"